How to make Cherry Jam

August 10, 2008 at 3:19 pm (Everything Else, The joy of cooking) (, , , )

One of the most common searches that leads people to my blog is “how to make cherry jam.” I assume that this must happen because of my earlier post about the annoyance of trying to find a cherry pitter. Since I hate disappointing people, I thought that I’d write a post answering that question.

The short answer is: buy a box of Certo (fruit pectin) and follow the instructions included inside.  At least that’s what I did.  Other points to know include: pitting cherries without a cherry pitter is a pain, cherry pitters are hard to find.  jam is basically equal parts fruit and sugar.

you’ll need about 7 cups of fruit and 7 cups of sugar for 1 pouch of liquid certo.  I also use the liquid as that’s what my mom taught me to do.  Also, one box of 12 125mL jars is not enough.  You need more/bigger jars for one batch of Certo jam.

So there you are searchers, how to make cherry jam

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